Supporting each other.
Supporting the world.
A unique “yungerleit to yungerleit” financial support system.
Where your contribution helps someone in your kollel make it
through a difficult month.
Your $36/month =
Noticing. Caring.
Easing the burden.
Your chavrusa is looking more tense than usual. There’s a permanent crease in his brow.
You don’t want to pry, but you’ve heard his wife is on bedrest…
Your neighbor’s “Good Morning” has started sounding hollow. He’s lost the spring in his step.
You don’t want to ask, but you’ve heard that his father-in-law’s business folded…
Your seat-mate on the Mir bus hunches over his mishnayos, but it’s clear that his mind is elsewhere.
You don’t want to probe, but you’ve heard that his toddler needs early intervention…

You can put the spring back into his step–
without him even knowing about it.
When a yungerman is going through a difficult period – he’s been making it through the month, but circumstances have suddenly changed or a new expense has cropped up – Ezras Achim is standing by.
Our designated gabboim act as the eyes and ears in each participating beis medrash. When they pick up on a need, they look into the situation and arrange a monthly stipend to help the family get back on their feet.
We also arrange discreet solutions to help families with extra financial pressure before the yomim tovim.
Discretion and Dignity above all.
Participating yungerleit have no idea which members of their beis medrash are receiving stipends.
And whenever possible, the recipients themselves don’t know that they are beneficiaries of tzedaka.

Backed by greatness, perpetuating greatness
Having moved from the US to Eretz Yisrael to devote his life to Torah, Rav Yitzchok Aryeh Scheiner, the nasi of Ezras Achim, felt a deep connection with Bnei Chutz La’aretz who did the same. He felt a tremendous achrayus to help support them so they could continue their avodas hakodesh with peace of mind.
Ezras Achim was Rav Yitzchok’s heart and passion. He emphasized the importance of supporting lomdei Torah, especially those in Eretz Yisrael.
“There is no greater zechus,” he explained, “than supporters of Bnei Torah in Eretz Yisroel.
That’s the greatest zechus that can be!”
Upholding Rav Yitzchok’s legacy, Ezras Achim continues supporting lomdei Torah in Eretz Yisrael so they can keep learning b’hasmadah.

Harnessing the power of the individual
Ezras Achim is run by a network of over 100 volunteers. Yungerleit who learn 3 sedarim a day and want to channel any extra time and resources toward helping their brothers learn without financial stress. Within our unique set-up, each partner makes a real difference.
How it works:
- Each participating beis medrash collects small monthly contributions from its members.
- Gabboim take note of which members of the beis medrash could use an extra financial boost.
- The funds are discreetly distributed on a monthly basis.
$36 may not seem like much.
But your $36/month contribution can gift a family with peace of mind,
a better-functioning home, and most importantly – dignity.

When individuals join together,
here’s what they achieve:
Participating Batei Medrash
Volunteer Gabboim
Families Helped This Year
Partnering Yungerleit
Years running

A family away from home
Idealistic young families from all over the world settle in Yerushalayim. They share a common vision: To learn b’hasmada for as long as they can manage.

They get by on a shoe-string budget and they don’t expect more than that.
But when their income takes a knock (only 8 children signed up for her gan this year),
or they’re faced with additional expenses (their 10-year-old needs extra tutoring), or one parent is out of commission, (mazel tov! it’s twins – and she’s recovering) their family can’t always step in and help.
Ezras Achim provides a financial support system
for these families bravely living far from home. Neighbors, friends and chavrusas join together to help their brothers through tight times.
We appreciate them because we are them.
Yungerleit supporting fellow yungerleit with love, care and respect.

Annual Budget: $2.2 M+
$0 x 13
Monthly stipends
Yom tov programs
Supported by
leading Rabbonim across the country

Ezras Achim Annual
Melave Malka
Hundreds of yungerleit, joined by leading Rabbanim from around the country show their support for Ezras Achim at our uplifting melave malka in Yerushalayim each year.
When you join Ezras Achim, you experience the deep satisfaction of knowing
that your contribution makes a real difference to your brother.
Because you’re proud of him. Because you care about him.
Because you want him to focus on his learning with menuchas hanefesh.